hi! my name is leo and i do random stuff on the internet sometimes.
i am a member of Team Prism, and owner of the abandoned TheDerpyMemeSquad.
i like using the Haxe Progamming Language because it is cool. i also play video games sometimes too. persona 5 is a good game.
heres some of the big things i have worked on, or you can look at everything i have worked on.

twenty, in total

a 2d puzzle game

Kukoro Dungeon Raid Helper

Tool for finding the best viewers to use in a Kukoro dungeon raid


Firefox extension that adds a button to download YouTube videos with


a 2d pixel art platform fighter that will hopefully have mods


A chat overlay for Kick and Twitch

SSBU Music Player

A Music Player in node.js that is designed to have a lot of functionality (but doesnt), and looks like the music player in Smash Ultimate

Idle Battle Royale

A (not actually) Multiplayer Idle game with lootboxes


A Minecraft server software written in Haxe


A build tool that i sometimes use for my projects

Team Prism

Things that I have worked on for Team Prism